
Discrete Mathematics with Applications (5th Edition) – Book

eBook details

  • Author: Susanna S. Epp
  • File Size: 23 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 984 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 5th Edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07M87BWRC
  • ISBN-10: 1337694193, 0357035283
  • ISBN-13: 9781337694193, 9780357035283

Original price was: $124.49.Current price is: $22.00.

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About The Author

Susanna S. Epp

Susanna S. Epp

Dr. Susanna S. Epp got her Ph.D. in 1968 from the University of Chicago, taught briefly at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Boston University, and is currently Vincent DePaul Professor Emerita of Mathematical Sciences at DePaul University. After initial research in commutative algebra, Dr. Epp became interested in cognitive issues associated with teaching analytical thinking and proof and published a number of papers related to this topic, one of which was chosen for inclusion in The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012.

Susanna has spoken widely on discrete mathematics and organized sessions at national meetings on discrete mathematics instruction. In addition to Discrete Mathematics with Applications and Discrete Mathematics: An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning, she is also the co-author of Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics, which was developed as part of the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project. Long active in the Mathematical Association of America, Dr. Epp is a co-author of the curricular guidelines for undergraduate mathematics programs: CUPM Curriculum Guide. She received the Hay Award for Contributions to Mathematics Education in 2006 and an Award for Distinguished Teaching given by the Illinois Section of the MAA in 2011.

The fifth edition of Epp’s Discrete Mathematics With Applications continues to impress with its precise and accessible approach to the subject. As a student, you’ll delve into the major themes of discrete mathematics while also learning about computer addition and logic circuits, algorithm analysis, computability, automata, recursive thinking, cryptography, and combinatorics. Through these topics, you’ll discover how ideas of discrete mathematics underlie and are essential to today’s science and technology. Furthermore, you’ll develop your theoretical thinking skills as you explore the ideas of proof and logic, which provide a foundation for computer science and upper-level mathematics courses. Note that the product only includes the ebook Discrete Mathematics With Applications 5e in PDF format and does not include access codes. If you’re interested in the solutions manual, TestBank, or other instructor resources, please contact us.


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