
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (5th Edition) – PDF

For introductory courses in human resource management.

eBook details

  • Author: Gary Dessler
  • File Size: 29 MB, 28 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 600 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition
  • Publication Date: January 10, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07R4C4ZNS
  • ISBN-10: 0134740211, 0134740440, 0134740556, 0134740475
  • ISBN-13: 9780134740218, 9780134740447, 9780134740478, 9780134740553

Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $18.00.

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About The Author

Gary Dessler

Gary Dessler

Professor Gary Dessler has degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York University, and the Baruch School of Business of the City University of New York. Gary’s best-selling Human Resource Management is also available in more than ten languages including Chinese and Russian. His other books include Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Managing Now, Management: Modern Principles and Practices for Tomorrow’s Leaders, Framework for Human Resource Management, and Winning Commitment: How to Build and Keep a Competitive Workforce. Dr. Dessler's has published articles on employee commitment, supervision, leadership, and quality improvement in journals including the SAM Advanced Management Journal, Academy of Management Executive, Supervision, Personnel Journal, and International Journal of Service Management.

For the past few years, Dr. Gary Dessler has focused on his research and textbook writing, and on giving seminars, lectures, and courses in Asia and around the world on topics including modern human resource management, evidence-based human resource management, strategic management, and talent management.

Foundations in management beyond the HR department – Gary Dessler’s Fundamentals of Human Resources Management 5th edition (PDF) supports personnels training for all management trainees– not simply HR supervisors. The book provides a large range of HR subjects within a single term of product and a wealth of practical examples and applications. Fundamentals of Human Resources Management 5e is likewise the very first book of its kind to make skill management processes a core research study. This upgraded 5th Edition has actually been upgraded with useful workers strategies, genuine business examples, and brand-new product on service sustainability. Each chapter discuss essential repeating styles in management, consisting of staff member engagement methods, small/global service management, work law functions, and favorable staff member relations, to assist trainees end up being more powerful and efficient supervisors. 978- 0134740218, 978- 0134740447, 978- 0134740478, 978- 0134740553 P.S we likewise have Dessler’s Fundamentals of Human Resources Management 5e test bank, trainer handbook, PowerPoint moves and so on for sale. Contact for more details NOTE: The initial ebook of Fundamentals of Human Resources Management 5th edition remains in ePub format. A converted PDF is likewise consisted of in this sale. No access codes are consisted of. .


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