
Skills Management: New Applications, New Questions – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Alain Roger, Didier Vinot
  • File Size: 3 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 212 Pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-ISTE
  • Publication Date: December 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07MQ62S3T
  • ISBN-12: 1786303884
  • ISBN-13: 9781119579229, 9781786303882

Original price was: $87.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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About The Author

Alain Roger

Didier Vinot

Managing skills is at the core ofHuman Resources Management Based on previous literature and understood with scientists from Magellan, the Research Center in Management in Lyon, Skills Management: New Applications, New Questions (PDF) analyzes how various skills can be examined at the cumulative and private levels, and examines the concentrate on various kinds of skills– consisting of soft, technical, management, finding out, and psychological skills. The ebook Skills Management analyzes how skills management is used in numerous contexts and for numerous cultures, populations, and profiles, with examples varying from middle supervisors needing to establish organizational skills in an altering environment, to engineers needing to establish soft skills beyond their technical skills; from law enforcement officer establishing psychological skills, to the new skills that are required when a healthcare facility presents a new technique to shared management. In the concluding chapter, this ebook likewise examines how it is in some cases challenging to concentrate on skills advancement when company requirements are concentrated on versatility.


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