
Linear Algebra with Applications (2nd Edition) – Holt – PDF

eBook Details

  • Author: Jeffrey Holt
  • File Size: 11 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 480 Pages
  • Publisher: ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎W. H. Freeman; Second edition
  • Publication Date: 2 December, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1464193347, 1319057691, 1319286283
  • ISBN-13: 9781464193347, 9781319057695, 9781319286286

Original price was: $78.71.Current price is: $13.00.

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About The Author

Jeffrey Holt

Linear Algebra with Applications, 2nd Edition is an exceptional resource for college students who want to gain an extensive understanding of linear algebra with an abstract perspective. The PDF version of the book by Holt is a perfect blend of conceptual and computational topics that rigorously prepare students for the challenges of analyzing abstract concepts efficiently.

The authors have presented conceptual topics in the context of Euclidean space initially, providing learners with a more familiar setting to strengthen their foundational knowledge. Additionally, Linear Algebra with Applications, 2nd Edition stands out among similar textbooks because it introduces eigenvectors and eigenvalues earlier than other texts, enabling quicker familiarity with abstract vector spaces later in the curriculum.

This comprehensive and formidable resource reaches far beyond just providing theoretical knowledge, frequently providing applications and examples to show the practical implications of each concept and topic. The book features over 2500 exercises covering both computational and conceptual topics, catering to a range of difficulty levels, allowing learners to practice until their skills are razor-sharp.

Boost your understanding of linear algebra with Holt’s Linear Algebra with Applications 2nd Edition PDF eBook, which is available for purchase using numerous ISBNs, including 978-1464193347, 978-1319057695, 978-1319286286.

PLEASE NOTE: This product does not include access codes and comprises solely the textbook Linear Algebra with Applications 2nd Edition in PDF (converted) format. Formating and page numbers won’t match the physical book.


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