
A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: Alexander Kulik, Gabriele Boccaccini, Lorenzo DiTommaso, David Hamidovic, Michael E. Stone
  • File Size: 6 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 560 Pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • Publication Date: October 4, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07YNWGR72
  • ISBN-10: 0190863072, 0190863099, 0190863080
  • ISBN-13: 9780190863074, 9780190863098, 9780190863081

Original price was: $152.00.Current price is: $21.00.

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About The Author

Alexander Kulik

David Hamidovic

Gabriele Boccaccini

Lorenzo DiTommaso

Michael E. Stone

The Jewish culture during the Hellenistic and early Roman periods formed the foundation for all monotheistic religions. Today, much of its primary sources have been preserved through Christian transmission. This Guide – A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission (PDF) – is dedicated to exploring the preservation, reception, and transformation of Jewish texts and traditions from the Second Temple period throughout various Christian milieus, ranging from the ancient world to the late medieval era. Rather than viewing this corpus as an artificial collection of reconstructed texts, a body of hypothetical originals, it approaches it from the perspective of the preserved materials, examined in their political, social, and religious contexts. This project is also unique in that it considers the different non-Christian channels of early Jewish materials survival, including Rabbinic, Gnostic, Manichaean, and Islamic. Through this diverse approach, this eBook Guide brings together scholars from different fields to map the pathways of early Jewish texts and traditions transmitted to a wide variety of cultures in later times. It offers a comprehensive and comparative introduction to this new field of study and serves to bridge the gap between scholars of early Judaism and medieval Christianity.
Please note: The sale only includes A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission in PDF. 978-0190863074, 978-0190863098, 978-0190863081


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