
Educating Physical Therapists – PDF

eBook details

  • Author: Gail Jensen
  • File Size: 4 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Legth: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Slack Incorporated; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: October 15, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1630914118
  • ISBN-13: 9781630914110

Original price was: $48.08.Current price is: $6.00.

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About The Author

Gail Jensen

Modeled after the Carnegie Foundation’s example,Drs Gail Jensen, Laurita Hack, Terrence Nordstrom, Elizabeth Mostrom, and Jan Gwyer started an assessment of the state of physical therapist education in the United States in their research study, Physical Therapist Education for the Twenty First Century (PTE- 21): Innovation and Excellence in Physical Therapist Academic andClinical Education With the very same group of authors, Educating Physical Therapists (PDF) files this assessment, detailing the crucial findings of the exceptional research study and broadening on its ramifications. The book starts by taking a look at the present state of physical therapist education throughout the continuum, from expert education through residency, then continues by explaining prototypes of quality and finest practices that were observed in scholastic and medical settings. Through this study of the occupation, a conceptual design of quality in physical therapist education is obtained and provided with useful suggestions. Areas attended to:

  • The vital requirement for system- based reform
  • Elements that promote a culture of quality
  • Academic and medical organizational imperatives
  • Critical requires for advancing knowing and the discovering sciences

Finally, after taking a look at the present state of physical treatment education, Educating Physical Therapists ebook seeks to the future, supplying a reimagined vision for what the occupation and expert education might be. These suggestions for development included commentary by international specialists in physical treatment education, supplying a wide variety of point of views. After an extensive assessment of physical therapist education, Educating Physical Therapists is created to alter the method teachers and administrators throughout scholastic and medical settings prepare physical therapists for the future. From the Foreword …The authors of this volume have much to teach us, and they have actually taught us well. We can accept their suggestions, or we can argue with them. To neglect them is not possible.” – Lee S. Shulman, PhD, President Emeritus, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching


“This is a should- read ebook for physical treatment scholastic experts, center supervisors, medical teachers, or companies attempting to establish medical and organizational quality in physical treatment or physical treatment instructional programing. The authors provide a substantial re- envisioning of the physical treatment instructional system to attend to the present and future requirements of the occupation. The authors make suggestions from their substantial research study and experience to promote favorable modifications within organizational, management, and instructional structures to promote quality as the typical objective.” – Jennifer Hoffman, DPT, PT, OCS, Doody’s Book Review Service .


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