
Global Health Informatics: How Information Technology Can Change Our Lives in a Globalized World – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Heimar de Fatima Marin, Edurado Massad, Marco Antonio Gutierrez, Roberto Jaime Rodrigues, Daniel Sigulem
  • File Size: 10 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 309 pages
  • Publisher: Academic Press
  • Publication Date: December 8, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0128045914, 0128046171
  • ISBN-13: 9780128045916, 9780128046173

Original price was: $67.75.Current price is: $13.00.

SKU: global-health-informatics-how-information-technology-can-change-our-lives-in-a-globalized-world-ebook Categories: , , , ,

About The Author

Daniel Sigulem

Edurado Massad

Heimar de Fatima Marin

Marco Antonio Gutierrez

Roberto Jaime Rodrigues

Global Health Informatics: How Information Technology Can Change Our Lives in a Globalized World, (PDF) is a thought-provoking read that discusses the importance of communication and information technologies in health practice, health systems management, and global research. With the world becoming more interconnected, it has become clear that standalone institutional information systems are no longer sufficient to provide patient-centered care across multiple providers, to detect and respond promptly to developing and re-emerging diseases, and to guide population-oriented public health interventions.

The eBook examines significant aspects of health information systems, the operation of health systems, digital systems as support for decision-making, diagnosis, and therapy, professional and client education and training, and intergovernmental collaboration. It also features case studies that explore how sharing data can facilitate governance and strategies to improve living conditions. Furthermore, it provides information on how information and communication technologies (ICT) can support the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of emerging and re-emerging diseases.

This eBook highlights how standalone systems can compromise healthcare in a globalized world and the benefits of incorporating information and data sharing. It shows how information technology can enhance healthcare systems and benefit both professionals and patients alike.

PLEASE NOTE: This product only includes the eBook, Global Health Informatics: How Information Technology Can Change Our Lives in a Globalized World in PDF. It does not include any access codes.


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