
Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (10th Edition) – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: John Morrissey, James L. Sumich
  • File Size: 13 MB (ePub), 22 MB (PDF)
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 472 pages
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 10th edition
  • Publication Date: January 12, 2011
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0763781606, 1284088987
  • ISBN-13: 9780763781606, 9781284088984

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $5.00.

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About The Author

James L. Sumich

James L. Sumich

Dr. James L. Sumich earned his M.S. in Biological Oceanography at Oregon State University, joined the biology faculty at Grossmont College, and then returned to Oregon State for a Ph.D. For his Ph.D. thesis, Dr. Sumich studied the interactions between newborn gray whale calves and their mothers and the way each budgets its energy expenditures during the period of calf nursing.

James has taught marine mammal biology classes for undergraduates and graduates at the University of San Diego, San Diego State University, and Oregon State University, where he continues to teach, as the requirements of retirement permit. His retirement activities include continued research and writing on gray whale behavior and energetics.

John Morrissey

The 10th edition of Morrissey and Sumich’s textbook, Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life, offers a comprehensive and engaging insight into the fascinating world of marine organisms and their environments. This edition has been updated to cover the latest breakthroughs in research and technology, while maintaining its accessible and friendly style that makes it popular with college students. A Student Companion Website is also available, providing additional resources and the latest information in marine biology. The site offers study aids such as chapter outlines, interactive glossaries, animated flashcards, and review questions, as well as carefully selected links to relevant websites for further exploration. Please note that this sale only includes the original ePub version of the ebook, Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life 10e, and a converted PDF. No access codes are included in this purchase.


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