
Mammalian Evolution, Diversity and Systematics – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Frank Zachos, Robert Asher
  • File Size: 18 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 392 pages
  • Publisher: de Gruyter
  • Publication Date: October 22, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3110275902
  • ISBN-13: 9783110275902, 9783110382549

Original price was: $378.10.Current price is: $19.00.

SKU: mammalian-evolution-diversity-and-systematics-ebook Categories: , , , ,

About The Author

Frank Zachos

Robert Asher

There are more than 6,000 mammalian types, amongst them our own. Research on our evolutionary cousins has a long history, however the last twenty years have actually seen especially fast development in disentangling the correlations and evolutionary history of mammals. The present volume, Mammalian Evolution, Diversity and Systematics (PDF) integrates up- to- date evaluates on mammalian phylogenetics with taxonomic, paleontological, and evolutionary chapters and likewise sums up the historic advancement of our insights in mammalian relationships, and hence our own location in the Tree ofLife This ebook positions today biodiversity crisis in context, with 1 out of 4 mammal types threatened by termination, and evaluates the circulation and preservation of mammalian diversity throughout the world. This volume is the initial tome to the brand-new Mammalia series of the Handbook of Zoology and will be vital reading for zoologists, mammalogists, and conservationists alike.


“T his terrific ebook is an important collection of well- looked into essays that will stay referral reading on their topics for several years ahead.” – Alessandro Minelli in: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (2019 ), 1- 2 “Das Buch profitiert von der Ausgewogenheit zwischen der systematischen Besprechung der einzelnen rezenten und fossilen Gruppen und den Grundlagen der Genetik, Physiologie, Embryologie und Artenschutz der Säugetiere. Mit dem “Handbook of Zoology: Mammalia” liegt ein umfassendes Werk an Säugetierforschung vor, das sowohl textlich als auch bildlich sehr übersichtlich gestaltet ist. Es besticht mit seinen hervorragenden Bildtafeln und Schaubildern, pass away dem aktuellen Wissenstand entsprechen, wodurch es auch als Lehrbuch sehr gut geeignet erscheint.” Cathrin Pfeiff in: GMIT 75 (2019 ), 87- 88 NOTE: This sale only consists of the ebook Mammalian Evolution, Diversity and Systematics inPDF No other access codes or media featured the item.


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