
Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Anisotropy – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Thomas Schultz, Evren Ozarslan, Ingrid Hotz
  • File Size: 18 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 407 pages
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Publication Date: October 14, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B077NG3Z9Y
  • ISBN-10: 331961357X, 3319870602, 3319613588
  • ISBN-13: 978-319613574, 9783319870601, 9783319613581

Original price was: $183.23.Current price is: $19.00.

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About The Author

Evren Ozarslan

Ingrid Hotz

Thomas Schultz

Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Anisotropy, (PDF) stresses the modeling, processing and visualization of anisotropy, regardless of the context in which it emerges, utilizing state-of-the-art mathematical tools. As such, it differs significantly from standard referral works, which are fixated a specific application. It consists of the following subjects: (i) the geometric structure of tensors, (ii) analytical techniques for tensor field processing, (iii) difficulties in mapping neural connection and structural mechanics, (iv) processing of unpredictability, and (v) envisioning greater-order representations. In addition to initial research study inputs, it uses informative evaluations. This multidisciplinary ebook is the 6th in a series that intends to promote clinical exchange in between neighborhoods using tensors and other greater-order representations of directionally reliant information. A significant number of the chapters were co-authored by the individuals of the workshop entitled Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multivalued Data: Modeling, Visualization, Analysis, which was kept in Dagstuhl, Germany in April 2016. It supplies an important resource for those operating in the field of multi-directional information, necessary motivations for the advancement of brand-new designs, and important analysis and visualization methods, hence enhancing the state-of-the-art in research studies relating anisotropy. NOTE: The item only consists of the ebook, Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Anisotropy in PDF. No access codes are consisted of.  


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