
Understanding Victimology: An Active-Learning Approach – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: Shelly Clevenger, George E. Higgins, Catherine D. Marcum, Jordana N. Navarro
  • File Size: 4 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 222 Pages
  • Publisher: ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Routledge; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: 28 February, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: ‎ B07B548Q2W
  • ISBN-10: 0815399901, 131515157X, 1498772846, 1498772870, 1498772889, 1498772854
  • ISBN-13: 9780815399902, 9781315151571, 9781498772846, 9781498772877, 9781498772884, 9781498772853

Original price was: $58.97.Current price is: $17.00.

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About The Author

Catherine D. Marcum

George E. Higgins

Jordana N. Navarro

Shelly Clevenger

Are you interested in delving into the complexities of the victimology field? Look no further than Understanding Victimology: An Active-Learning Approach (PDF). This comprehensive resource provides an in-depth exploration of victimology, including an analysis of its major theoretical concepts and research methodologies. Gain a unique perspective into the experiences of victims across a variety of online and offline crimes. Unlike other textbooks on the subject, our innovative work employs various active learning exercises aimed at enhancing and reinforcing student comprehension of key topics. In addition, we tackle pressing and contemporary issues that have thus far been overlooked by other texts, such as identity theft, hate crimes, and terrorism. Whether you’re a student, academic, or practitioner seeking an introduction to victimology, this unique and relevant resource is perfect for you. Buy now and get access to our comprehensive ebook format, which includes 978-0815399902, 978-1315151571, 978-1498772846, 978-1498772877, 978-1498772884, 978-1498772853. PLEASE NOTE: Only the ebook version of Understanding Victimology: An Active-Learning Approach in PDF format is available for purchase. No access codes are included.


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