
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Oliver Dorr, Kirsten Schmalenbach
  • File Size: 19 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1412 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 2012 – 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: November 22, 2011
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00F778IFA
  • ISBN-10: 3642192904
  • ISBN-13: 9783642192906, 9783662551608

Original price was: $210.42.Current price is: $25.00.

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About The Author

Kirsten Schmalenbach

The Commentary on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties supplies an in-depth post-by-post analysis of all arrangementsof the Vienna Convention The texts are evenly structured: (I) Purpose and Function of the Article, (II) Historical Background and Negotiating History, and (III)Elements of the Article The Vienna Convention on Treaties in between States and IOs and in between IOs is taken into consideration where proper. In amount, the present Commentary consists of an extensive legal analysis of all elements of the international law of treaties. Where the law of treaties reaches into other fields of international law, e.g. the law of state obligation, the appropriate user interfaces are gone over and contextualized. With its focus on international practice, the Commentary is dealt with to academic community, in addition to to specialists of international law.


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