
We the People: Establishing Rights and Deepening Democracy – PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Nikhil Dey, Aruna Roy, Rakshita Swamy
  • File Size: 314 KB
  • Format: ePub
  • Length: 152 Pages
  • Publisher: Vintage Books India
  • Publication Date: August 10, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B08FXVQ28G
  • ISBN-10: 0670092975
  • ISBN-13: 9789353058777, 9780670092970

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $5.00.

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About The Author

Aruna Roy

Nikhil Dey

Rakshita Swamy

Who are the folks of India? What are their human rights? What are their claims on the Indian Constitution and on democracy? As part of Samruddha Bharat Foundation’s sequence Rethinking India, We the People: Establishing Rights and Deepening Democracy (ePub) brings collectively a set of essays that explores the fascinating means of the germination and progress of unquestionable common rights, and of them being developed as stable entitlements in India. The essays additionally discover the persevering with problem of creating, realizing, and defending these entitlements. The authors are activists, lecturers, and practitioners with a robust relationship with social actions and thus uniquely positioned to hyperlink observe to idea. Their narratives observe the use of the rights-based mostly framework of the Indian Constitution by socio-political actions with a view to strengthen the cultural, financial, and social rights of atypical Indians. The quite a few views draw upon and contextualize the difficult relationship of the citizen with the state, society, and the market in democratic India. Their sharp analyses have a counterpoint in tales of inventive, profitable alternate options designed by peoples’ collectives. There is each an implicit and specific problem to conservative notions of ‘market-led improvement’ that see rivalry and income as central to ‘progress’ and success. These essays take a look at the theoretical calls for for altering the present scenario, but additionally for figuring out the nuts and bolts of such change. The papers showcase the persevering with dialectic between established constitutional rights and shifting state coverage. The disaster unbridled by the response to COVID-19 has uncovered the fault traces of this dilemma dramatically. It is a satire that when the authorities has to exponentially broaden its capability to ship employment, well being, and meals to folks, it has no recourse however to the framework of the identical rights-based mostly laws, it has constantly tried to run down. These essays present priceless perception at a time when many sacred pillars of neoliberal ‘globalization’ are disintegrating, and the capitalist superstructure is itself turning to the state for survival. They will encourage understanding, scholarship, and enliven debates as we proceed to seek for solutions in unsure and difficult occasions.

  • 978-9353058777, 978-0670092970

All Our Prices Are In US$ NOTE: The product only consists of the ebook, We the People in the unique ePub format. No access codes are included.


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